It’s common to worry about keeping your animal family member safe. Your dog could unintentionally escape out the front entrance even if your backyard is completely enclosed. There are efficient ways to train your dog to get used to electric dog fences, which are intended to keep your pet safely inside your property’s bounds.
Before you start, play for a while with your dog in the containment area. Train in increments of ten to fifteen minutes, have fun, and give goodies and positive reinforcement. During training sessions, make sure the collar is taken off, and train your dog while wearing a conventional collar and leash.
Set up Flags
Place flags adjacent to the electric dog fence and spaced around ten feet apart around the perimeter of the property. This is the first thing your dog needs to learn because it serves as his containment area.
Demonstrate Your Dog’s Boundaries with Tone Only The first step in training is to let your dog identify the containment area and get used to the sound of the electric dog collar. Walk your dog up to the flags until the tone is activated, starting with roughly three flags and holding the leash that is attached to the standard collar. After your dog has heard the tone for around two seconds, pull them back and give them a treat and some praise. Continue doing this until your dog runs away from the flags.
Show Your Dog Boundaries with Tone Only
Continue the procedure above until your dog is accustomed to seeing each and every flag in the confined area. Take a break from training to enjoy some fun and games in the confinement area. Instead of making your dog feel afraid, it should become a place they look forward to and feel at home.
Repeat with Several Flags
On the second training day, this starts. Adjust the level of the electric dog collar so that he becomes aware of the static correction. Keep an eye out for clues that your dog may be picking up on it, such as changes in his gaze direction or ear movements. Apply the same procedure with a leash on a regular collar as you would with tone only. Make sure your dog gets play breaks when he’s feeling anxious. On days three and four, repeat.
Add Static Correction
Test for distractions as you continue dog training when your dog is comfortable with the containment area, tone, and static punishments. Outside diversions abound, be it squirrels or other dogs out for their daily walks. Outside of the containment area, toss a ball. Give him praise and a treat if he doesn’t want to pursue it. Test all of the containment area’s borders by using this procedure multiple times over the course of three or four days in brief training sessions.
Take Off Your Leash
When your dog can reliably ignore outside distractions and is aware of his yard’s boundaries, he is prepared for increased independence. While you’re doing something nearby, let him explore the yard off-leash while keeping the electric dog collar on. During this period, avoid testing for distractions. Remove your dog’s static correction collar and guide him back into his safe zone if he leaves the containment area. It’s likely that the training will need to be reinforced.
Start Removing Flags
It takes most canines around two weeks to get used to the system. You can start taking down the training flags after you’re certain that your dog understands the boundaries of his territory. Every three to four days, take out two flags at a time.
Ready to take the next step in pet containment? Click here to learn more about the benefits of investing in an electric dog fence. With its easy installation and customizable settings, this system offers a stress-free solution for pet owners seeking to provide their furry companions with the freedom they deserve.